Inside: Women in the Spotlight is a series of interviews that highlight women in business and ministry, with the goal to inspire, educate, and motivate other women in their personal and professional lives. If you’d like to be featured in this series, email YOUR story to karenferguson@illuminatecommunications.org

Meet Sarah Fox, writer and CEO of The Bookish Fox, a book coaching and editing agency.

Sarah Fox, owner of The Bookish Fox

What inspired you to start your own business and how long did it take before it became profitable?  

My first word was “book” so I’ve always felt that I’ve been destined to be involved with writing and publishing. Since so many writers are looking for a good editor and book coach, I decided to start The Bookish Fox to help them.

The company become profitable after six months of working on it full-time.

What is your background and how did you develop the skills to start?

I’ve been reading and writing books my whole life, so I feel like that has really helped me with my storytelling skills. I also have the conventional answer of going to undergrad and graduate school for degrees in English, which are obviously very helpful for my job.

What inspires your work and what sets you apart from everyone else?

My work is inspired by so many things: books, movies, music, travel, my loved ones, anything really! 

I think what sets us apart from everyone else is that we LOVE pop culture. I create blog posts about writing lessons from a hit song or a popular show, and we make our edits fun with funny GIFs and recommendations with shows or movies to watch to help with their craft. We also make videos as our edit letters to add the personal, friendly touch. We are super invested in our clients; I think about their projects when I’m on walks or even out to dinner. 


How do you advertise? What do you do to attract new readers/subscribers/clients, and what do you do to retain them?

Most of my business comes from referrals and word of mouth! Our clients love our work and refer us to other people. To get the clients initially, I networked with other editors and built relationships. As a result, I was lucky to get a lot of clients through referrals from them.

We retain these clients by being excellent editors and coaches. We also make sure the experience is fun by incorporating pop culture jokes and fun videos in our edits. We really care about our clients and are invested in their success.


How do you define success, and has that changed over time? 

At first, I thought success was a six-figure business, but once I achieved it, I realized success needed to be defined in terms other than money. Now success is a business that allows me to support my team and also gives me time to work on my own writing and spend time with my loved ones.

How do you stay balanced and healthy in your life and business?

Hiring a team was huge! The ability to delegate tasks that aren’t in my zone of genius was a game changer. I also workout every day, which is great for stress and overall health. I also meditate. It’s important to allow some space to let ideas and creativity flow. I can’t forget to mention walking my two corgis. My best ideas come to me on the walks with my exuberant dogs. 


Who are your favorite/most influential podcasters/authors/bloggers/experts?

I really love Deadline City with Dhonielle Clayton and Zoraida Córdova. They have the best writing tips and insight into the publishing industry. I also love 88 Cups of Tea with Yin Chang. She gets really incredible guests and has a wonderful interview style. I learn so much about writing, but it feels like a conversation between friends.  


Think about any particular process, tactic, app, program, etc. that you use that makes running your business (and life) easier, and please share what it is and how it helps you.

I love Asana. It helps me keep track of all my projects. I also adore Slack for keeping in touch with my team, and Voxer is great for coaching clients. 


If a young woman just starting out came to you for advice on how to make a living doing what they love, what would you tell her?

I would tell her to follow her dreams, even if she is scared or people around her doubt her. People were worried for me when I said I would start my own business, but I did it anyway. It was obviously the best decision because I now run a company that helps writers’ dreams come true, which fulfills mine.


What’s your favorite quote and who originally said it?

 “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Sarah Fox is a writer and CEO of The Bookish Fox, a book coaching and editing agency. She has helped hundreds of people write and polish their books so they can finally get them in readers' hands. Her writing blog has won the Positive Writer’s The Best Writing Blogs for Writers Award two years in a row, and she's made Kindlepreneur’s list of best editors. She believes that books change lives and the world.


Website: www.thebookishfox.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BookishSarahFox

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thebookishfox

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bookishsarahfox/





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