3 simple practices to help you thrive at any age

Rosemary Wind was one of my favorite people. Ever.

We worked together at a special events company back in the ’90s and although she was almost 40 years older than me, we became great friends.

Rosemary was one of a kind. 

She was friendly, kind, and thoughtful. A great listener who took a genuine interest in others and made a point to build them up with her encouraging words of wisdom. 

Her big, bright smile and hearty laughter could change the atmosphere of any room, and the world just seemed a little brighter and I always felt a little braver after spending time with her. 

She loved life. 

40 years my senior she kept me on my toes with her quick wit, sharp mind, and relentless energy. And her social life? Let’s just say she put mine to shame 😉

Rosemary quickly took me under her protective wing and she became a cherished professional and spiritual mentor and an honorary grandmother to my two daughters. I’ve honestly never met anyone like her since. 

To me, she epitomized the Bible verse that says:

But the godly shall flourish like palm trees and grow tall as the cedars of Lebanon. For they are transplanted into the Lord’s own garden and are under his personal care. Even in old age they will still produce fruit and be vital and green. Psalm 92:12-14

flourish like palm trees

I mean, in addition to her regular travels, many hobbies and social outings, here was Rosemary, retired at 70+ and still walking in her Sunday best dress and high heels to the neighborhood preschool to read to children several times a week. 

I’m not convinced she ever retired, really.  

She was involved in her community up to the very end and continued to be a hugely positive presence in the lives of her family and friends. 

Have you ever met someone like that? 

People that defy the stereotypical cranky, critical, dreary old-timer and who instead seem to get better with age?

I don’t know about you, but I want to be like that.

Do a Google search for “Signs you are getting older” and you will find numerous lists that most of us over the age of 40 can relate to.  Everything from creaky knees to muffin tops, to nose hairs 🙂 

Although the challenges and quirks of getting older are very real, sometimes amusing, and often-times unavoidable, there are benefits to aging.

And for those of us nearing or over the edge of a half-century, we should do ourselves a favor and meditate on those benefits, and let go of the negative stereotypes.

Benefits include things like the wisdom that comes with experience, better-coping abilities, clearer priorities, and more time to devote to relationships and worthy causes.  

Unfortunately, it’s far too easy to lose sight of the positive, particularly when we feel the aches, pains, and surprising shape-shifting alterations of an aging body.  

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way.  Awareness is the first step towards positive change, and it begins with asking ourselves regularly, 

“Am I getting better or just older?”

Here are some clear signs that you are getting older but not necessarily better: 

  • Do you resist change?

  • Are you more critical of others than you used to be?

  • Do you just not move as much as you used to?

BONUS: Feeling tired, achy, and a little stressed-out? Download your FREE PDF for 7 simple ways you can improve your health and energize your life!

If any of those sound like you, here are some things you can do about it.

how to thrive at any age

Make a point to try something new at least once a quarter. Plan for it and add it to your calendar.  Try a new restaurant, take up a new hobby, learn a new language, find a new walking route, join a club.

Thanks to the amazing capabilities of our brain anyone, at any age, can learn something new and benefit from it.  In fact, research onbrain plasticity shows that our brains have the amazing ability to regenerate throughout our lives.

This means that the “normal” functional changes in the aging brain can be avoided and even reversed in some cases.  But to benefit, it will take stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new.

Change your mindset. Do you find yourself complaining more, and generally feeling more critical?  Being overly critical is a sign that you’re not happy with your circumstances.

Yes, you may struggle with more physical pain than you used to, and you may not have the stamina that you once did, but this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your life.  Take control of your thoughts. Choose to focus on what is positive.

And if you’re just not happy with your life, find something that will give you a sense of purpose.  Reach out to someone in need.  Volunteer for your community. Take an online course that will help you improve your health and wellbeing.

Use it so you won’t lose it. Defy the ole’ adage, “If you don’t use it, you will lose it” by staying active.

Whether it’s your brain or body, to be healthy and strong, we must use our muscles every day.  It’s a choice that is critical to our health and well-being.  According to research, a rapid decline in strength associated with disuse is the norm, not the exception.

But what is of greater concern is that in this study, those who made intentional efforts to regain their strength after a period of inactivity found it took twice the time that it took to lose muscle mass – and some participants still didn’t reach their original strength levels.

Unfortunately, most people don’t move enough as they age, and it’s this decline in movement that contributes to poor health and increases the rate at which the body ages.

So, let’s keep moving!  

Join a gym. 

Take up hiking or swimming. 

Get up and move every 60 minutes.


Karen Ferguson creator of fit for work and life

Hello! I’m Karen Ferguson, author, content creator, and the owner of Illuminate Communications, LLC. 

I’m all about illuminating God’s Truth and His love through the power of words.

It’s my mission to inspire, encourage, and equip you on your faith-journey by providing books, tools, and resources that will help you grow in your relationship with Jesus, and thrive in mind, body, and spirit.

You can connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and sign up for my free newsletter to be the first to know about special events, book updates, freebies and giveaways.


