Inside: Women in the Spotlight is a series of interviews that highlight women in business and ministry, with the goal to inspire, educate, and motivate other women in their personal and professional lives. If you’d like to be featured in this series, email YOUR story to karenferguson@illuminatecommunications.org

Meet Sandra Kay Chambers, author, travel writer, and photographer

What is your background and how did you develop the skills to start your writing career?

In the small town I grew up in West Virginia, our public library was housed in a beautiful old plantation home. It had a long walkway to the front door, and it was like my magic carpet to the world. I loved to read, and I think that my early love of reading was a great foundation and inspiration for my career as a writer. 

In college I majored in English and also got a teaching degree. I went on to get a master’s degree in Education, focusing on learning disabilities. While I was teaching, I freelanced for a few publications. One of my favorites was Charisma & Christian Life Magazine, for which I wrote news stories, feature stories, and cover stories for several years. When I first began, I'd read the magazine cover to cover, select several stories as mentor texts and learned the formula for writing each type of story.

When we moved to North Carolina 16 years ago, I began writing travel articles for Allegiant Airlines in-flight magazine, Sunseeker, and other travel publications. My first book, Lord, It’s Boring in My Prayer Closet (How to Revitalize Your Prayer Life) was born when my pastor asked me to put together some prayer teachings for a fast we were doing at our church. One of my passions has been to help Christians grow in their spiritual lives, especially in the area of prayer. 

What inspires your work?

I think you have to love what you do. Writing was never a “job” for me; it was my passion. It is also my calling from God. I believe He gifted me with the ability to write. He also allowed me to pursue one of my lifelong dreams. Since I was a little girl, I always wanted to be an airline stewardess so I could travel. It was also a glamorous job back in my day! That never happened, but God still fulfilled my desire to travel by allowing me to travel and write travel articles. 

Fast forward to COVID two years ago—since I wasn’t traveling, I had more time to write and began experimenting with children’s writing. I just did it for fun, never considering that was something I would pursue. But I entered a picture book in the 2021 Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer’s Contest and won a Foundation Award. It was a total surprise and a great encouragement to keep writing for children. My current project is a children’s devotional to help kids to discover that they are God’s unique creation with a divine calling and purpose for their life.

How do you advertise yourself as an author?

I have a professional author website with info about myself, and a newsletter with a free download of scriptures by topic that can be used to pray for people by inserting their name in the scripture. My newsletter helps me connect with my readers and contains helpful info on various topics, freebies, and some contests. I also have a website on prayer and another on travel. I will soon have a podcast called, “Help, My Prayer Life is Boring." I’m on several social media sites and I teach an online course on prayer for BeADisciple.com based on my book, Lord, It’s Boring in My Prayer Closet (How to Revitalize Your Prayer Life).

How do you define success?

Success to me is fulfilling my calling in God and using the gifts He has given me to honor Him and bless others. I have to continually ask Him to keep me focused on His agenda and not mine. I also have to keep a check on my motivation for writing—is it to become a famous author with recognition, awards, and sales, or to do what He has asked me to do regardless of recognition. 

As writers, we constantly battle the temptation to compare ourselves to other writers. The key is to “stay in our lane.” We each have our own unique talents and gifts. When I write what God calls me to write and trust Him to use my writing however He desires, that is my definition of success.

How do you stay healthy and balanced in your life and business? 

I admit this is a difficult area for me. When I get going on something I don’t like to come up for air. With back issues it’s not good for me to sit long hours. Taking walks is a great help. Stopping for an afternoon break to lie down and pretend to nap while I read a mystery is another way. And taking a complete day off to take a local trip with my husband does wonders for me.

Who are your favorite, most influential authors, bloggers, experts?

My favorite authors to read are actually fiction writers. I love to read mysteries and historical fiction and I stand in awe of authors who can pen a great fiction story. As for my favorite bloggers:  "The Right Conversation" with Edie Melson, is an award-winning blog for writers in all genres. It’s a daily read for me. The Facebook Group, “Writer’s Chat,” is also a great free weekly group featuring guest speakers on a variety of writing topics. For some daily spiritual encouragement, I follow the Advanced Speakers and Writer’s (AWSA) blog, “Arise Daily.” There are many, many others out there, but these are three I follow regularly 

As far as experts, I’ve been a member of Serious Writer’s Club for more than a year and a half and have learned so much about the craft of writing, building platform, marketing etc. Some of the experts who teach the workshops and classes include Michelle Medlock Adams (children’s) Bethany Jett (platform & marketing) and Cyle Young (social media & market updates). It’s a paid membership group, but I would not be where I am today without it. If you want to check it out, here’s the link: https://www.seriouswriteracademy.com/a/13756/HScfgJB3

Think about any particular process, tactic, app, programs, etc. that you use to make your writing career easier.

I am fortunate that I have a whole room in my house as an office. One of the best things I did this past year was to update my office with my daughter’s help. My office space was dark, dreary, and overcrowded, so we moved furniture, went shopping for fun accessories to update it, covered a dark sofa, and bought baskets and organizers. Now it's my "Happy Place" to be when I write! I also started using a “Happy Planner” for my writing a year ago. I love Canva and use it to design memes for social media, book projects, etc. In the next couple months, I have committed to learn Scrivener to help me organize my book writing.

If a beginning author came to you and asked for some advice on how to make a living doing writing, what would you tell her?

I’d tell her it won’t be easy—even if you are a very talented writer. An author today—especially a book author—must build a platform of followers through speaking, social media, writing articles, blogs, etc. The days of just being a writer are over. Publishers want authors who have an audience who will buy their books. Dedication and perseverance are two qualities you will need. Also, learn all you can about your craft—take classes, go to conferences, learn from those who have gone before you. Find a support and critique group of writers in your genre, pray for each other and encourage one another. Finally, continually pray for God’s guidance and direction. If He has called you to write, He will make a way.

What’s your favorite quote and who originally said it?

“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.”—J.R.R. Tolkien (Lord of the Rings)


Sandra is a wife, mother, former teacher, journalist and a nonfiction and children's author. She has published 700+ news stories, profiles, travel stories, lifestyle, and feature stories for 20+ publications. She is also the author of a book on prayer and is currently focusing on writing children's picture books and devotionals that help children realize they are uniquely created by God for a special purpose.

Her bag of essentials includes a Bible, a camera, a good mystery, coffee, and lots of dark chocolate. Sandra believes everyone is called and equipped to demonstrate God's creativity in whatever area and whatever job God has called them to do. 

When not writing, Sandra can be found exploring new places with her husband, walking on the beach, or enjoying fresh seafood. She also loves spending time with their daughter, son-in-law, and their super-cute French bulldog. 


Author website: http://www.sandrakaychambers.com

Lord, It's Boring in My Prayer Closet: How to Revitalize Your Prayer Life:



A Lesson in Faith: my author journey
