Inside: Women in the Spotlight is a series of interviews that highlight successful entrepreneurs, educators, small business owners, and online influencers with the goal to inspire, educate, and motivate other women in their personal and professional lives. If you’d like to be featured in the series, email YOUR story to Karenferguson@illuminatecommunications.org



What inspired you to become an author and how long did it take before it became profitable?  


I’ve been reading my whole life, and that’s why I’ve always been a writer. Books gave me such an escape, such joy, such adventure, and wisdom (still do!), and I wanted to imitate what those writers did for me by doing the same for others. My mom says I started reading young, at age 2, and never stopped. At school I’d carry a book in the halls and read during breaks. I forced my sister and cousin to play “library” with me. In my own writing, I’d mimic the styles of whichever author I was reading (and I like to read in just about every genre, so my writing was all over the place!). Eventually my own writer’s voice developed out of this. 


I majored in journalism in college and then got a master’s in English literature. Every job I’ve held since college involved writing in some way—I produced a newsletter for a law firm, taught writing as a college adjunct writing instructor, and eventually started running a weekly community newspaper. Today I run a religious newspaper but also write fiction, blog, and write faith-based articles as a freelancer. In a sense, I’ve made my living through writing in one way or another since I was 21, which is more than half my life. 


What is your background and how did you develop the skills to start?


I’m a product of a longwinded, storytelling family. As a kid, I was shy and moved around a lot, so books were my best friends. My dad was a huge movie lover, so between books and movies, story was a constant. As a teen, I also fell in love with the theater, which helped me become intimately aware of and involved with character, both the development of character and the way interpersonal stories and growth factor into a plot. All of that, plus majoring in journalism as an undergraduate and studying literature in grad school, gave me a good start in my field.


Beyond that, being an obsessive reader has been a huge help, as well as being in the habit of writing daily, whether for work or for pleasure. I’m also receptive to criticism and try never to take it personally. I want to learn and always improve, and I cannot do that with thin skin. 


What inspires your work and what sets you apart from everyone else?


I had a rather dysfunctional childhood, but I’ve become a woman of deep Christian faith. I have come to truly appreciate the beauty and joy in the struggles of life. What sets me apart is the ability to see (and seek out) the light even in the darkness. Almost all my writing has to do with redemption and healing. I think we as humans are hungry for that! I’ve never met a person who truly has it all together; we’re all a work in progress, slowly becoming all we can be. 


How do you advertise? What do you do to attract new readers/subscribers, and what do you do to retain them?


I blog weekly, freelance multiple times a month, speak when invited, and use social media as a way both to learn from others and to share my own writing with others. I think we’re all gifted with a unique way to see the world and burying it does no one any good. Only when we share and shine that light for all to see does change begin!  


How do you define success, and has that changed over time?


I used to think success meant wearing a gorgeous suit, driving a sleek little convertible, tossing my hair in the wind, and earning a great income, not to mention a luxury high-rise overlooking the ocean. While those things are lovely, they no longer equate success for me. Success means fulfilling my purpose, whatever that means. We all have a special purpose in life, a particular way of showing that beautiful sparkle within. Uncovering that purpose, and then actively working to use it and multiply it in all ways possible, is true success. 


How do you stay balanced and healthy in your life and business?


I love to hike, read, do yoga, watch movies, and listen to music—these all fill my cup so I can pour out again in my writing. As a creative person, it’s really important that I nurture my energy and do what I can to keep my personal batteries running strong. My husband is my very best friend, so we try to have fun together. This past weekend, my husband and I pitched a tent in the backyard and sleeping outside was such a neat experience! When I’m stressed, I try to listen to my body—do I need a nap to recharge? Do I need a walk to settle my restless spirit? It’s not always easy. We have a blended family of four kids, ages 12, 13, 14, and 15, so I have to be intentional about self-care. But to me, self-care is soul-care, and I’m not able to give as a writer unless I’m caring well for my soul.


Who are your favorite/most influential podcasters/authors/bloggers/experts?


I have so many I love! My favorite authors have evolved over time, but for the last several years my favorites are Lisa Wingate, Tosca Lee, and Cindy Sproles. I’m a big fan of Ernest Hemingway and Jane Austen, and I’ve been reading Steven King most of my life. I don’t listen to a ton of podcasts right now since I’m now working from home instead of commuting, but three favorites are Instructions for Living a Life, Live Your Design, and Love Where You Are. 


I’m obsessed with the topic of mental health, as a lot of my family members struggle with mental illness, so any blogger, expert, podcaster, or author who addresses this usually finds their way into my feed! And, of course, anything regarding authentic faith is a must for me. Some of my favorite bloggers on those topics include Candice Brown, Melinda Inman, Joshua Masters, Jeanne Takenaka, Lisa Quintana, and Stephen De La Vega. 


Think about any particular process, tactic, app, program, etc. that you use that makes running your business (and life) easier, and please share what it is and how it helps you. 


I’m pretty simple: I write in Microsoft Word. I love the app “Over” for creating “scripture pictures” (memes pairing Bible verses with my nature photography). I use InDesign and Photoshop regularly for design and photo manipulation. Lately I’ve discovered Brain.fm, and its thrumming music helps me focus better on my tasks. When I create videos, I love Adobe Premiere Pro. And I’m definitely an Apple person—I use a Mac laptop and an iPhone. And I’m never without a pen and paper or my to-do list. They keep me focused and on track.


If a young woman just starting out came to you for advice on how to make a living doing what they love, what would you tell her?


Do it! Immerse yourself in it—if you want to write, read every day, and write every day. And don’t just read anything. Read the kind of thing you wish to write, the kind of thing that speaks to your heart. If you want to be a chef, it’s the same thing—eat! Develop your senses! Create delicious dishes daily. Whatever it is, be intentional. Stop talking about it and just start doing it. The money will follow when you begin generating in a way that makes it beneficial to others. 


What’s your favorite quote and who originally said it?


I have several favorites, but two very special quotes are these:

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”— Philippians 4:13 NKJV (a letter form the apostle Paul to the early church in Philippi).


“The last of one’s freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance.”—Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl




Jessica, her husband Matt, and their blended family of four kids/stepkids. From left are her stepdaughter Allie, biological daughter Avery, Jessica, husband Matt, stepson Will, and son Cameron.



In addition to her designated writing time, Jessica also writes whenever she has a minute to herself. Jessica’s father-in-law snapped this quick pic of her catching some solo time in the window seat at her in-laws’ house in the Lowcountry of SC.



Hiking is one way Jessica has fun while caring for herself. Here, she and her family took a family photo during a hike in the Great Smoky Mountains in Sept. 2020. From left are Jessica, son Cameron, husband Matt, stepdaughter Alli, daughter Avery, and stepson Will. 



One of the most amazing experiences of Jessica’s life was walking with lions at a preserve in Zimbabwe during a mission trip in 2012. While no daredevil and naturally cautious, Jessica tries to embrace adventure whenever possible, even if that means facing fears and stepping outside her comfort zone (as she did on this day!).  





Jessica Brodie is an award-winning author, blogger, editor, journalist, and writing coach. For the last decade, she’s been the editor of the South Carolina United Methodist Advocate, the oldest newspaper in Methodism. She is the author of two devotional books and editor of several anthologies, all from her newspaper’s Advocate Press. She is a seasoned speaker and contributor to Crosswalk, Christianity.com, and the United Methodist News Service, among many others. She has a weekly faith blog at JessicaBrodie.com and is part of the team at Wholly Loved Ministries. Represented by Bob Hostetler of The Steve Laube Agency, she is the author of two contemporary women’s fiction novels awaiting publication, The Memory Garden and Tangled Roots. The Memory Garden won the 2018 Genesis Award for Contemporary Fiction from American Christian Fiction Writers. Married, Brodie has four children and stepchildren. Born in Miami, she now lives in Lexington, South Carolina. 



Website: https://www.jessicabrodie.com​ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JessicaJBrodie

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorjessicajbrodie

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessicajbrodie

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jessicajbrodie

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/shiningthelightjessicabrodie

YouTube: https://Youtube.com/jessicajbrodie

Podcast: https://anchor.fm/jessica-brodie​ or wherever you like to listen, including Spotify, Google Podcasts, Pocketcasts, Breaker, RadioPublic, etc.




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