Inside: Women in the Spotlight is a series of interviews that highlight successful entrepreneurs, educators, small business owners, and online influencers with the goal to inspire, educate, and motivate other women in their personal and professional lives. If you’d like to be featured in the series, email YOUR story to Karenferguson@illuminatecommunications.org




What inspired you to be an author? 

I’ve always had the need to communicate. I grew up as an only child, so if there was no one to talk with, I would hold a conversation with my dog — or my dolls! I realized how powerful words were. They could inspire and encourage or hurt and destroy. I wanted my words to touch others like a hug. Since I am passionate about the Bible, history, and travel, I want my readers to fall in love with those, too!

How long did it take for you to be published?  

It took me almost seven years before Ambassador International found my story at a Twitter event called #FaithPitch. After signing a contract, it took another year to bring my middle-grade historical fiction, The Heart Changer to young readers. 

What is your background and how did you develop the skills to start?

I’ve been keeping a diary since I was a teenager but didn’t begin writing in earnest as a career until my almost 100-year-old mother passed away. Thinking I might forget events of my childhood, I began writing my memoirs. Soon after I was drawn to writing picture books, and eventually landed comfortably in the middle-grade historical fiction genre where I could share my love of history and description using many more words!

I am a former Kindergarten and high school Art/Home Ec teacher, school librarian, and I taught Sunday School for a number of years, so I’ve always worked with children. Having pursued my education through a master’s degree I’ve slowly developed the skills to write, but in the past 8 years, I have honed them with writing classes, critique groups, and professional writer’s conferences. 

Maintaining an author’s website and blog and being heavily involved in social media has furthered my skills. One thing is for certain — I love to encourage and inspire my readers!

What inspires your work and what sets you apart from everyone else?

Travel is my go-to for inspiration. When I am on a historic tour and discover a fascinating tidbit in history, I am inspired to delve into the story and bring it to light. Especially if it involves a child, since I want to bring historic young heroes to life.

Sometimes, it’s insight I receive during a sermon, or in a nonfiction book I’m reading. During our homeschool years, while reading one of our engaging historical textbooks, we found a few fascinating gems. This is how I discovered material for the story I’ve entitled, The Orphans Who Saved the World. It recounts a Spanish vaccine expedition organized to eradicate smallpox from the New World back in 1802. There is very little information on the event, so I am free to use my imagination, within limits of course. I’m always on the alert for curious pieces of unexplored history or faith insights. 

How do you advertise? 

I just completed my second book birthday and celebrated with a post each day on Instagram and Facebook. I also had a giveaway on Twitter and shared my celebration in my newsletter and a blogpost. 

I also am passionate about sharing my author’s journey and love of words with young readers in schools, libraries, or any other venue I am offered!

What do you do to attract new readers/subscribers?

Since my passion is historical fiction, I post fascinating facts and images from history and my travels to encourage interaction on Facebook and Instagram. I am also working on a ‘lead magnet’ or short story I can give away to anyone who signs up for my newsletter. There is a popup screen on my website as well to encourage subscriptions, and I always include helpful tips and links in my newsletters for readers and home educators. 

How do you define success, and has that changed over time?

Many aspiring writers expect immediate success and accolades when they begin their journey. The phrase ‘starving artists’ from centuries past says it all. It takes years of writing and revising to get your manuscript to submission-ready status. And even then, there is no guarantee. You must write because you love it, and have a story to tell, not because you want to be rich or famous. Keep on writing, but don’t quit your day job. You will eventually be rewarded for your perseverance. 

How do you stay balanced and healthy in your life and work?

Typically, I read voraciously (e-books and physical books), visit museums, travel, and have downtime watching movies with a historical theme.

When I get discouraged due to a plethora of publisher/agent rejections (which is common for most authors), I pull back from social media, conferences, and anywhere else I see author’s success stories, and regroup — do something completely different — garden, clear out my closet, repair clothing, polish shoes, arrange my photographs and listen to a new podcast having nothing to do with writing. Although I am delighted for my fellow author’s successes, I try not to compare myself to them. I am uniquely made by God with talents unlike anyone else, so I need to be patient and wait for His timing!

This year, I am taking an Instagram Makeover course by Kat Coroy, which gives me super tips for sharing my passion for travel and writing but also is helping me define who I am — my brand — so I can clearly communicate it in my posts.

I am also working with Author Accelerator towards book coach certification  — helping others realize their writing dreams beginning with a seed of an idea, developing the manuscript and then  submitting to an agent or publisher. If I can’t have the privilege of publishing another novel right now, at least I can lead others in that quest.

And lastly, as I market my book so others can be blessed, Building Platform 101 has been a great help.

Who are your favorite/most influential podcasters/authors/bloggers/experts?

If we are talking about present day Biblical/historical fiction authors, Tessa Afshar, Lynn Austin, Anthony Doerr, and Heather Morris come to mind — too many to mention! Since I am attracted to the classics, Charlotte Brontë and Jane Austen are a couple of my favorites. There are so many authors I love, but they all have a historic bent to their writing. Victorian England and WW2 are both eras I am fascinated with — there are so many heroes!

In the writing field, I am drawn to websites, resources and associations like: Writer’s Helping WritersChristian Writer’s Market Guide,  Society of Children’s Book Writers & IllustratorsWord Weavers InternationalOne Stop for WritersHope WritersNovel Marketing PodcastThe Artist’s Way and the Christian Writer’s Institute.

Think about any particular process, tactic, app, program, etc. that you use that makes running your business/ministry (and life) easier, and please share what it is and how it helps you. 

I depend on my bullet journal which I have customized for my author’s journey. It keeps track of the projects, books, and assignments I need to work on that week. Some days, the list remains the same since some assignments take a few days to accomplish. Other days, I quickly check off the ‘to-dos’ on my lists, which makes my heart glad!


In tandem with my journal, I use my iCal to remind me of important deadlines for a blogpost, submission, or an author’s Q&A I need to send in. Both help my aging mind to keep on track with my sometimes hectic but rewarding schedule.

If a young woman just starting out came to you for advice on how to make a living doing what they love, what would you tell her?

“You are uniquely created by God with gifts and abilities that can be used in His kingdom. Pursue those desires/gifts and develop them within the framework of your life right now. Connect with others in that realm that can offer you advice and help as you move forward in the will of the Lord. And of course, ask Him to lead you in the way you should go.”

What’s your favorite quote and who originally said it?

“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.” — Martin Luther


Jarm (‘J’ pronounced as a ‘Y’) Del Boccio finds her inspiration in everyday life, but in particular, when she travels the globe, observing quirky things that happen along the way. Focusing on lives from the past, Jarm is devoted to breathing new life into the pages of history, offering her young readers hope, heart, and a real-life hero. 


Jarm Del Boccio’s Website

Facebook Author’s Page

Instagram Business Page

The Heart Changer Trailer

The Heart Changer Resources (Guide)


Middle-grade historical fiction – The Heart Changer





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