The two most important things you can do to raise godly children in an ungodly world

It sure seems like our children are targets these days.

The media, the entertainment industry, even the public school system…there seems to be an all out assault to deceive, confuse, and downright destroy our children, from the womb all the way up through college. 

So many confusing, ungodly messages and images that I couldn’t have imagined would be accepted much less promoted just 10 years ago. 

And have you walked into your local bookstore lately? The type of content and placement of that content is troubling. It’s like there’s a fascination with evil, and it’s being shoved down our young children’s impressionable throats. 

I realize I tend to be more sensitive than some when it comes to books and entertainment choices. I’m a highly sensitive person and I raised two highly sensitive girls, which means certain images and content can get stuck in our brains like mud on a pig, and negatively affect our moods and attitudes, and cause nightmares. 

I also encountered some supernatural circumstances as a young girl that affected me deeply. So as an adult I’ve worked to guard my heart, my children’s hearts, and now my grandchild’s heart, by not entertaining things that might open the door to ungodly ideas and desires. 

But these days, I’ve heard from people who are much more liberal in what they watch and allow their children to watch that have concerns, too. It really does feel like a spiritual war with our kids as targets.

What can we do? The most important thing is to pray 🙏🏼

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I grow weary in prayer. When I don’t see answers right away, or when the world continues in darkness when I’m praying for the light of Christ to shine, I begin to wonder if my prayers matter. Maybe you feel the same way.

It’s at those times I remind myself what the Bible says about prayer. 

It says God listens to us when we pray (Jeremiah 29:12). It says our prayers please Him (Proverbs 15:8), and it says our prayers are powerful and effective (James 5:16). Yes, there is a timing to God’s answers that is higher than ours, but Jesus provided a clear illustration to remind us that we must be persistent in our prayers and not give up (Luke 18:1-8). 

These are only a few of the verses that talk about how important prayer is. So the next time you feel weary in prayer, open up your Bible to remind yourself that your prayers do matter! They are seeds of goodness that God will use to grow a harvest of good fruit in our families and in this nation. And truly, if we don’t pray for our children and grandchildren, for their schools, and Sunday school teachers, who will? 

So let’s keep praying. 

It’s also important that we regularly talk to our children about the things of God, and our culture and how everything in it runs counter to what God’s Word says. And considering the conversations that are taking place in elementary schools, these talks must begin early. 

We must decide as parents and grandparents, are we willing to be different from the culture and if so how will that look for our families? Are we willing to stand up and speak out for what is true, good, and right according to the Bible? 

Every major issue in society can be traced back to the breakdown of the family, which is a direct result of forgetting about God. That may sound dramatic, I know, but it’s true. As Christians, we haven’t forgotten about Him intentionally, but we sure have been awfully quiet as He’s been removed from our government, schools, media, and places of work. 

If you’ve watched the news lately, it’s clear that we need a powerful move of God to save this nation. We must pray, and pray some more. We need a new mindset in what we are willing to tolerate in our family, schools, and churches. We must humble ourselves before God, and ask Him how He wants to use us to reverse the downward spiral of our culture.

And please know, there’s no judgment here. 

I’ve been way too timid in my faith. I’ve compromised the truth (or at least watered it down), so I wouldn’t “offend.”  I’ve tried to fit into the culture rather than be set apart from it. But God has been working on me the past couple years, and I continue to rely on His grace as I pray for our nation and step out in Truth more and more.

Which brings me to some good news.  I have something very exciting for you to use to bless those special children in your life! 

We may not have control over how other people raise their families, but we do have the final say in our own. 

You see, it was my frustration and disappointment with mainstream children’s books and resources that prompted me to move into writing children’s books sooner than I anticipated. My main writing focus has been mostly nonfiction and some fiction for adults (I still have that novel in my desk I’m working on ;-) but I felt led to write for children right now. For such a time as this. 

I wanted to create an alternative to the mixed up messages aimed at our children every day. And it certainly wasn’t going to be a book of dry Bible facts devoid of creativity. I wanted to write something that would teach children important concepts from the Bible and ignite their imagination.

My mission was to create a book series that would help parents like you disciple their children, so kids would grow strong in their faith and understanding of the Bible. It had to be biblical AND engaging!

After a 2 year process, I’m so excited to announce that the first book in the series is now available through Ambassador International. It’s called Guess How Much God Loves You, and this first book is all about the Creation of God! 

You can read more about the plans and process behind the book by reading a recent author interview HERE.  

If you’re looking for a creative, dynamic, bible based book to help disciple your children or grandchildren…this is it! 👇🏼

You can order your copy now on AMAZON

Our children are precious. Let’s be intentional about raising them up in the Lord for such a time as this. This book will help!

I also have a free resource for you called Prayers for Raising Godly Children in a Ungodly World.  You’ll get 14 powerful prayers that align directly with the Bible so you can start covering your precious ones in prayer. Download your copy for FREE!


Karen Ferguson wrote such a sweet story to help little ones understand God’s love and the story of creation. When we share scripture with our children in a way they can understand it’s an investment in their future. A great addition to any library.

Anita Morin, Founder of FDS Creatives 

If we haven’t met before, hello, I’m glad you found me! 👋🏼

I’m Karen Ferguson, a freelance writer and small business owner with a background in K-8 education. A grateful wife, mom, and grandmom, I love words and the Word of God and I’m passionate about writing stories that grab and hold young readers’ attention, while teaching them all about God’s unchangeable truths, and His unchanging love for them.

I want every child to know their life matters. 

Let’s connect! You’ll find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram



Book trailer: Guess How Much God Loves You picture book! ❤️
